Elisa Bonaccorso
PhD en Ecología y Biología Evolutiva, University of Kansas
Oficina: Edif. Darwin, DW-004
Telf: (+593 2) 297-1700, ext. 1341

Mis Intereses
Mis intereses de investigación se enmarcan principalmente en las áreas de la biología evolutiva, la ecología y la conservación. Actualmente, junto a un gran número de colaboradores, estudio la biogeografía y filogeografía de aves andinas, la ecología de parásitos de aves y la utilización de sistemas de información para la delimitación de áreas de conservación.
- Los páramos como generadores de diversidad: biogeografía comparada e implicaciones en escenarios de cambio climático
- Ecología de infecciones por malaria aviar en diferentes hábitats y con distinto grado de alteración antropogénica
- Filogeografía, sistemática y evolución de las aves del Ecuador continental
Año | Título | Autores | Documento |
2021 | Recent diversification in the high Andes: unveiling the evolutionary history of the Ecuadorian hillstar, Oreotrochilus chimborazo (Apodiformes: Trochilidae) | Bonaccorso E, Rodríguez-Saltos CA, Freile JF, Peñafiel N, Rosado-Llerena L, Oleas NH | Descargar |
2021 | Extensive hybridization between two Andean warbler species with shallow divergence in mtDNA | Céspedes-Arias LN, Cuervo AM, Bonaccorso E, Castro-Farias M, Mendoza-Santacruz A, Pérez-Emán JL, Witt C, Cadena CD | Descargar |
2020 | Dialects in the high-frequency song of a hummingbird | Duque FG, Monteros M, Nasir I, Uma S, Rodriguez-Saltos CA, CarrutH L, Bonaccorso E, Wilczynski W | Descargar |
2019 | Population genetics of the Plumbeous Sierra-finch (Geospizopsis unicolor) across the Ecuadorian paramos: uncovering the footprints of the last ice age | Bonaccorso E, Rodríguez-Saltos C, Vélez-Márquez A, Muñoz J | Descargar |
2019 | Avian haemosporidian infections in rufous-collared sparrows in an Andean dry forest: diversity and factors related to prevalence and parasitaemia. Parasitology, 146(6), 765–773. | Cadena-Ortiz, H., Mantilla, J. S., de Aguilar, J. R., Flores, D., Bahamonde, D., Matta, N. E., & Bonaccorso, E. | Descargar |
2019 | The Expectations and Challenges of Wildlife Disease Research in the Era of Genomics: Forecasting with a Horizon Scan-like Exercise. Journal of Heredity, 110(3), 261–274. | Fitak, R. R., Antonides, J. D., Baitchman, E. J., Bonaccorso, E., Braun, J., Kubiski, S., Chiu, E., Fagre, A. C., Gagne, R. B., Lee, J. S., Malmberg, J. L., Stenglein, M. D., Dusek, R. J., Forgacs, D., Fountain-Jones, N. M., Gilbertson, M. L. J., Worsley-Tonks, K. E. L., Funk, W. C., Trumbo, D. R., . . .Pecon-Slattery, J. | Descargar |
2019 | Cost-effective protection of biodiversity in the western Amazon. Biological Conservation, 235, 250–259. | Lessmann, J., Fajardo, J., Bonaccorso, E., & Bruner, A. | Descargar |
2019 | Birds. In BIODIVERSITY OF PANTEPUI: the pristine "lost world of the neotropical guiana. ELSEVIER ACADEMIC Press. | Pérez-Emán, J. L., Lentino, M., & Bonaccorso, E. | Descargar |
2019 | Diversity, Endemism, Species Turnover and Relationships among Avifauna of Neotropical Seasonally Dry Forests. Ardeola, 66(2), 257. | Prieto-Torres, D. A., Rojas-Soto, O. R., Santiago-Alarcon, D., Bonaccorso, E., & Navarro-SigüEnza, A. G. | Descargar |
2018 | Complex coevolution of wing, tail, and vocal sounds of courting male bee hummingbirds. Evolution, 72(3), 630–646. | Clark, C. J., McGuire, J. A., Bonaccorso, E., Berv, J. S., & Prum, R. O. | Descargar |
2018 | Taxonomic Status of the Streaked Saltator, Saltator striatipectus (Passeriformes: Thraupidae), from Puná Island, Ecuador. Zootaxa, 4420(3), 445. | Freile, J., Bonaccorso, E., Amigo, X., Cadena-Ortiz, H., Navarrete, R., Amigo, Z., Piedrahita, P., & Chaves, J. A. | Descargar |
2018 | On geographic barriers and Pleistocene glaciations: Tracing the diversification of the Russet-crowned Warbler (Myiothlypis coronata) along the Andes. PLOS ONE, 13(3), e0191598. | Prieto-Torres, D. A., Cuervo, A. M., & Bonaccorso, E. | Descargar |
2018 | Patterns of avian haemosporidian infections vary with time, but not habitat, in a fragmented Neotropical landscape. PLOS ONE, 13(10), e0206493. | Rivero de Aguilar, J., Castillo, F., Moreno, A., Peñafiel, N., Browne, L., Walter, S. T., Karubian, J., & Bonaccorso, E. | Descargar |
2018 | A striking, critically endangered, new species of hillstar (Trochilidae: Oreotrochilus ) from the southwestern Andes of Ecuador. The Auk, 135(4), 1146–1171. | Sornoza-Molina, F., Freile, J. F., Nilsson, J., Krabbe, N., & Bonaccorso, E. | Descargar |
2017 | Isolation and Characterisation of 11 Microsatellite Loci in the Ecuadorian Hillstar Oreotrochilus chimborazo. Ardeola, 64(1), 5–9. | Oleas, N. H., Harvey, N., Rodríguez-Saltos, C. A., & Bonaccorso, E. | Descargar |
2016 | Testosterone and Haemosporidian Parasites Along a Tropical Elevational Gradient in Rufous-Collared Sparrows ( Zonotrichia capensis ): TESTOSTERONE AND PARASITISM IN A TROPICAL BIRD. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology, 325(8), 501–510. | Escallón, C., Weinstein, N. M., Tallant, J. A., Wojtenek, W., Rodríguez-Saltos, C. A., Bonaccorso, E., & Moore, I. T. | Descargar |
2016 | Large expansion of oil industry in the Ecuadorian Amazon: biodiversity vulnerability and conservation alternatives. Ecology and Evolution, 6(14), 4997–5012. | Lessmann, J., Fajardo, J., Muñoz, J., & Bonaccorso, E. | Descargar |
2016 | Parasite specialization in a unique habitat: hummingbirds as reservoirs of generalist blood parasites of Andean birds. Journal of Animal Ecology, 85(5), 1234–1245. | Moens, M. A. J., Valki?nas, G., Paca, A., Bonaccorso, E., Aguirre, N., & Pérez-Tris, J. | Descargar |
2016 | Understanding the evolutionary history of a high Andean endemic: the Ecuadorian hillstar ( Oreotrochilus chimborazo ). Neotropical Biodiversity, 2(1), 37–50. | Rodríguez Saltos, C. A., & Bonaccorso, E. | Descargar |
2016 | Friend or foe? Social system influences the allocation of signals across functional categories in the repertoires of the New World jays. Behaviour, 153(4), 467–524. | Rosa, G. L. M., Ellis, J. M., Bonaccorso, E., & dos Anjos, L. | Descargar |
2016 | Diurnal variation in corticosterone release among wild tropical forest birds. Frontiers in Zoology, 13(1). | Schwabl, P., Bonaccorso, E., & Goymann, W. | Descargar |
2015 | Birds of Bosque Protector Jerusalem, Guayllabamba Valley, Ecuador. Check List, 11(5), 1770. | Cadena-Ortiz, H., Varela, S., Bahamonde-Vinueza, D., Freile, J. F., & Bonaccorso, E. | Descargar |
2015 | Applications of geographic information systems and remote sensing techniques to conservation of amphibians in northwestern Ecuador. Global Ecology and Conservation, 3, 562–574. | González, M. P., Bonaccorso, E., & Pape?, M. | Descargar |
2015 | Multi-scale habitat use analysis and interspecific Ecology of the Critically Endangered Black-breasted Puffleg Eriocnemis nigrivestis. Bird Conservation International, 25(4), 479–488. | Guevara, E. A., Bonaccorso, E., & Duivenvoorden, J. F. | Descargar |
2014 | Combined Use of Systematic Conservation Planning, Species Distribution Modelling, and Connectivity Analysis Reveals Severe Conservation Gaps in a Megadiverse Country (Peru). PLoS ONE, 9(12), e114367. | Fajardo, J., Lessmann, J., Bonaccorso, E., Devenish, C., & Muñoz, J. | Descargar |
2014 | Unusual records of Cochlearius cochlearius (Linnaeus, 1766) (Aves: Ardeidae) in the Andes of Ecuador. Check List, 10(3), 687–688. | Bahamonde-Vinueza, D., Cadena-Ortiz, H., Cajas-Bermeo, C., & Bonaccorso, E. | Descargar |
2014 | Current Neotropical ornithology: Research progress 1996–2011. The Condor, 116(1), 84–96 | Freile, J. F., Greeney, H. F., & Bonaccorso, E. | Descargar |
2014 | Birds, Nangaritza River Valley, Zamora Chinchipe Province, southeast Ecuador: update and revision. Check List, 10(1), 54. | Freile, J. F., Krabbe, N., Piedrahita, P., Buitrón-Jurado, G., Rodríguez-Saltos, C. A., Ahlman, F., Brinkhuizen, D. M., & Bonaccorso, E. | Descargar |
2014 | High prevalence of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in an Andean frog community (Reserva Las Gralarias, Ecuador). Amphibian & Reptile Conservation, 8(1), 33–44. | Guayasamin, J. M., Mendoza, A. M., Longo, A. V., Zamudio, K. R., & Bonaccorso, E. | Descargar |
2014 | Maximizing species conservation in continental Ecuador: a case of systematic conservation planning for biodiverse regions. Ecology and Evolution, 4(12), 2410–2422. | Lessmann, J., Muñoz, J., & Bonaccorso, E. | Descargar |
2013 | On the Origin of Pantepui montane biotas: A Perspective Based on the Phylogeny of Aulacorhynchus toucanets. PLoS ONE, 8(6), e67321. | Bonaccorso, E., & Guayasamin, J. M. | Descargar |
2013 | Área de hogar y notas sobre la historia natural de la Gralaria Jocotoco (Grallaria ridgelyi). Ornitologia Neotropical, 24(1), 27–34. | Juiña, M., & Bonaccorso, E. | Descargar |
2011 | Range extensions and other noteworthy bird records from the Andes of Ecuador. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club, 131, 261–265. | Bonaccorso, E., Arzuza, D., Buitrón-Jurado, G., Charpentier, A. L., Juiña, M., Piedrahíta, P., & Freile, J. F. | Descargar |
2011 | Molecular phylogeny and systematics of Neotropical toucanets in the genus Aulacorhynchus (Aves, Ramphastidae): Phylogenetics of Aulacorhynchus. Zoologica Scripta, 40(4), 336–349. | Bonaccorso, E., Guayasamin, J. M., Peterson, A. T., & Navarro-Sigüenza, A. G. | Descargar |
2011 | Notas sobre la anidación del Búho Ventribandeado (Pulsatrix melanota) en Ecuador. Ornitologia Neotropical, 22(3), 471–475. | Cadena-Ortiz, H., Bahamonde-Vinueza, D., & Bonaccorso, E. | Descargar |
2011 | Observations on the Natural History of the Royal Sunangel (Heliangelus regalis) in the Nangaritza Valley, Ecuador. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 123(1), 85–92. | Freile, J. F., Piedrahita, P., Buitrón-Jurado, G., Rodríguez, C. A., Jadán, O., & Bonaccorso, E. | Descargar |
2011 | Ampliación de la distribución conocida y descripción del plumaje juvenil del Azulejo de Wetmore (Buthraupis wetmorei, Thraupidae). Ornitología Colombiana, 11, 91–97. | Leal, C. A., Meneses, H. S., Gereda, O., Cuervo, A. M., & Bonaccorso, E. | Descargar |
2011 | Desarrollo de los polluelos y cuidado parental en el Quilico (Falco sparverius) en el suroeste de Ecuador. Boletín SAO, 20(5). | Salazar, M. V., Cadena, H., & Bonaccorso, E. | Descargar |
2010 | Molecular systematics and evolution of the Cyanocorax jays. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 54(3), 897–909. | Bonaccorso, E., Peterson, A. T., Navarro-Sigüenza, A. G., & Fleischer, R. C. | Descargar |
2010 | Genetic differentiation in the nearly extinct harlequin frogs (Bufonidae: Atelopus), with emphasis on the Andean Atelopus ignescens and A. bomolochos species complexes. Zootaxa, 2574(1), 55. | Guayasamin, J. M., Bonaccorso, E., Duellman, W. E., & Coloma, L. A. | Descargar |
2010 | Morphology, Ultrastructure, and Small Subunit rDNA Phylogeny of the Marine Heterotrophic Flagellate Goniomonas aff. amphinema. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 57(2), 159–170. | Martin-Cereceda, M., Roberts, E. C., Wootton, E. C., Bonaccorso, E., Dyal, P., Guinea, A., Rogers, D., Wright, C. J., & Novarino, G. | Descargar |
2009 | Historical biogeography and speciation in the Neotropical highlands: Molecular phylogenetics of the jay genus Cyanolyca. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 50(3), 618–632. | Bonaccorso, E. | Descargar |
2008 | Genetic differentiation of the Chlorospingus ophthalmicus complex in Mexico and Central America. Journal of Avian Biology, 39(3), 311–321. | Bonaccorso, E., Navarro-Sigüenza, A. G., Sánchez-González, L. A., Townsend Peterson, A., & García-Moreno, J. | Descargar |
2008 | SPECIATION IN THE EMERALD TOUCANET ( AULACORHYNCHUS PRASINUS ) COMPLEX. The Auk, 125(1), 39–50. | McCORMACK, J. E., Peterson, A. T., Bonaccorso, E., & Smith, T. B. Speciation in the highlands of Mexico: genetic and phenotypic divergence in the Mexican jay (Aphelocoma ultramarina): DEEP DIVERGENCE IN A MEXICAN HIGHLANDS BIRD. Molecular Ecology, 17(10), 2505–2521. | Descargar |
2007 | SPECIATION IN THE EMERALD TOUCANET ( AULACORHYNCHUS PRASINUS ) COMPLEX. The Auk, 125(1), 39–50. | Puebla-Olivares, F., Bonaccorso, E., De Los Monteros, A. E., Omland, K. E., Llorente-Bousquets, J. E., Peterson, A. T., & Navarro-SigüEnza, A. G. | Descargar |
2007 | Avifauna and conservation of the Cerro Negro-Cazaderos area, Tumbesian Ecuador. Cotinga, 27, 61–67. | Bonaccorso, E., Santander, T., Freile, J. F., Tinoco, B., & Rodas, F. | Descargar |
2007 | Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 42(2), 467–476. | Bonaccorso, E., & Townsend Peterson, A. A multilocus phylogeny of New World jay genera. | Descargar |
2007 | Classification of the peritrich ciliate Opisthonecta matiensis (Martín-Cereceda et al. 1999) as Telotrochidium matiense nov. comb., based on new observations and SSU rDNA phylogeny. European Journal of Protistology, 43(4), 265–279. | Martín-Cereceda, M., Guinea, A., Bonaccorso, E., Dyal, P., Novarino, G., & Foissner, W. | Descargar |
2007 | Phylogeny of finescale shiners of the genus Lythrurus (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) inferred from four mitochondrial genes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 42(2), 287–297. | Pramuk, J. B., Grose, M. J., Clarke, A. L., Greenbaum, E., Bonaccorso, E., Guayasamin, J. M., Smith-Pardo, A. H., Benz, B. W., Harris, B. R., Siegfreid, E., Reid, Y. R., Holcroft-Benson, N., & Wiley, E. O. | Descargar |