Gonzalo Rivas
PhD, Universidad de Florida
Oficina: CT102
Telf: (+593 2) 297-1700, ext. 2217

Mis Intereses
Mis intereses incluyen ecología de Plantas, Ecología de Invasiones, Biogeografía de plantas, GIS, Uso de drones y otras herramientas tecnológicas y moleculares en investigación.
- Estudio del microbioma asociado a las especies del Género Scalesia en Galápagos.
- Propuesta de restauración ecológica en dos hábitats dentro de una propiedad ubicada en zona de bosque protector del Parque Sumaco-Napo-Galeras.
- Quantifying impacts caused by alien species on native biodiversity and human livelihood in the Galápagos Islands.
- Papel evolutivo de Lecythidaceae hiperabundantes para el mantenimiento de especies raras relacionadas.
- Origen y filogeografía de especies nativas e introducidas en las islas Galápagos: síntesis evolutiva de especies poco estudiadas.
- Planificar ahora para ahorrar después: uso de tecnología de punta e información científica para la lucha contra las plagas vegetales en Galápagos.
- Conectividad genética y aspectos ecológicos de especies vegetales de importancia en el Ecuador continental y Galapagos.
- Cambio en la vegetación y cambio climático. Parcelas permanentes de vegetación en la Reserva de la Biósfera Yasuní y Amazonía Ecuatoriana.
- Cambio en la vegetación debido a plantas invasivas y cambio climático en Galápagos. Parcelas permanentes de vegetación.
- Mapeo en tiempo real y construcción de modelos predictivos futuros de la distribución de especies nativas e introducidas en Galápagos mediante el uso de naves no tripuladas de bajo costo.
Año | Título | Autores | Documento |
2021 | Global tropical dry forest extent and cover: A comparative study of bioclimatic definitions using two climatic data sets | Pando, J. Ibanez, T. Franklin, J. Pau, S. Keppel, G. Rivas-Torres, G. Shin, M. Welch, T. | Descargar |
2021 | The Maximum Entropy Formalism of statistical mechanics in a biological application: a quantitative analysis of tropical forest ecology | Pos, E. Souza de Coelho, L. Andrade Lima de Filho, D. Salomão, R. Leão Amaral, L. Almeida de Matos, F. Bönisch, G. Kattge, J. | Descargar |
2021 | The Radiation of Darwin’s Giant Daisies in the Gala pagos Islands | Guevara, J. Rivas-Torres, G. | Descargar |
2020 | The radiation of Darwin’s giant daisies in the Galápagos Islands | Fernández-Mazuecos, M. Vargas, P. McCauley, R. Monjas, D. Otero, A. Chavez, J. Rivas-Torres, G. | Descargar |
2020 | Biased-corrected richness estimates for the Amazonian tree flora | ter Steege, H., Prado, P.I., Lima, R.A.F.d. et al. | Descargar |
2020 | A Global Analysis of Tropical Dry Forest Extent and Cover Based on Climatic Definitions | Oncón, JP. Gillespie, TW. Ibanez, T. Keppel, G. Pau, S. et. al. | Descargar |
2020 | Land cover classification of complex agroecosystems in the non-protected highlands of the Galapagos Islands | Laso, FJ. Benitez, FL. Rivas-Torres, G. Sampedro, C. et. Al. | Descargar |
2020 | Hunting and cooperative foraging behavior of Galapagos sea lion: An attack to large pelagics | Páez‐Rosas, D. Vaca, L. Pepolas, R. Wollocombe, R. et. Al. | Descargar |
2019 | Hydrologic-Biogeochemical Connections Across the Terrestrial-Aquatic Interface in Tropical Andean Watersheds | Riveros-Iregui, DA. Murray, AR. Encalada, A. Suarez, E. et. Al. | Descargar |
2019 | Spatiotemporal Assessments of Greenhouse Gas Production and Flux in Headwater Tropical Streams | Murray, AR. Riveros-Iregui, D. Encalada, A. Suarez, E. et. Al. | Descargar |
2019 | Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Carbon Fluxes from Surface Waters in Tropical, Alpine, Headwater Catchments | Herrera, M. Riveros-Iregui, D. Murray, AR. Encalada, A. et al. | Descargar |
2019 | Trees of Amazonian Ecuador: a taxonomically verified species list with data on abundance and distribution | Guevara Andino, JE. Pitman, NCA. Ulloa Ulloa, C. et. Al. | Descargar |
2019 | Rarity of monodominance in hyperdiverse Amazonian forests | Ter Steege, H. Henkel, TW. Helal, N. Marimon, BS. et. Al. | Descargar |
2019 | Scaling issues of neutral theory reveal violations of ecological equivalence for dominant Amazonian tree species | Pos, E. Guevara, JE. Molino, JF. Sabatier, D. Bánki, OS. Et. Al. | Descargar |
2019 | Dry forests of the Galápagos: a comparative assessment of a World Heritage Site | Gillespie, TW. Keppel, G. Robinson, CM. Rivas-Torres, G. | Descargar |
2019 | Globally consistent impact of tropical cyclones on the structure of tropical and subtropical forests | Ibanez, T. Keppel, G. Gilliespie, TW. Lengaigne, M. Mangeas, M. Rivas-Torres, Birnbaum, P. | Descargar |
2018 | Understanding Invasive Species in the Galapagos Islands: From the Molecular to the Landscape | Torres, ML. Mena, C. | Descargar |
2018 | A methodology for mapping native and invasive vegetation coverage in archipelagos: An example from the Galápagos Islands | Rivas-Torres, G. Benítez, FL. Rueda, D. Sevilla, C. et. al. | Descargar |
2018 | Plant community composition and structural characteristics of an invaded forest in the Galápagos | Rivas-Torres, G. Flory, L. Loiselle, B. | Descargar |
2018 | Species Distribution Modelling: Contrasting presence-only models with plot abundance data | Gomes, VHF. IJff, SD. Raes, N. Amaral, IL. Salomão RP. et. al. | Descargar |
2018 | A Conceptual Framework for the Management of a Highly Valued Invasive Tree in the Galapagos Islands | Rivas-Torres, G. Adams, DC. | Descargar |
2018 | Allelopathic Impacts of the Invasive Tree Cedrela odorata L. (Meliaceae, Sapindales = Magnoliidae) in the Galapagos Flora | Rivas-Torres, G. Rivas, MG. | Descargar |
2017 | Estimating and interpreting migration of Amazonian forests using spatially implicit and semi‐explicit neutral models | E Pos, JE Guevara Andino, D Sabatier, JF Molino | Descargar |
2017 | Persistent effects of pre-Columbian plant domestication on Amazonian forest composition | Levis, C. Costa, FRC. Bongers, F. Peña-Claros, M. et. Al. | Descargar |
2017 | Darwinian emergence, conservation, and restoration. Novel ecosystems and hybrid environments | Quiroga, D. Rivas, G. | Descargar |
2014 | Are all species necessary to reveal ecologically important patterns? | Pos, E. Guevara Andino, JE. Sabatier, D. Molino, JF. Et. Al. | Descargar |
2014 | Distribution and abundance of tree species in swamp forests of Amazonian Ecuador | Pitman, NCA. Andino, JEG. Aulestia, M. Cerón, Al | Descargar |
2013 | Hyperdominance in the Amazonian tree flora | Ter Steege, H. Pitman, NCA. Sabatier, D. Baraloto, C. | Descargar |
2012 | Seed dispersal by neotropical birds: emerging patterns and underlying processes | Karubian, J. Browne, L.Bosque, C. Carlo, T.Galetti, M. | Descargar |
2011 | Avifauna richness enhanced in large, isolated urban parks | Oliver, AJ. Hong-Wa, C. Devonshire, J. Olea, KR. Et. Al. | Descargar |
2008 | The effect of soil on the growth performance of tropical species with contrasting distributions | Brenes‐Arguedas, T. Ríos, M. Rivas‐Torres, G. Blundo, C. et. Al. | Descargar |
2003 | Genetic differentiation in Mycosphaerella leaf spot pathogens | Carlier, J. Hayden, H. Rivas, G. Zapater, MF. Abadie, C. | Descargar |