Margarita Brandt

PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Brown University

Office: Darwin DW-102

Phone: (+593 2) 297-1700, ext. 1184



I study community ecology in marine ecosystems. I am particularly interested in 1) determining the ability of marine species to acclimatize in the face of climate change, and 2) in the sustainable use of marine resources. To address these topics, I use a combination of methods: biodiversity surveys along temperature gradients, eco and physiological experiments in mesocosms and in natural habitats, and various lab techniques (molecular, histological, elemental chemistry).


  • Patterns of connectivity of various marine species in Ecuador: Genetic connectivity of marine invertebrates. With many collaborators.
  • Detection of Oceanographic events in the Galápagos Marine Reserve, using stegastes arcifrons and stegastes beebei as indicator species: Elemental chemistry in damselfishes. With JM Alava and M Kingsford from JCU.
  • Characterization of the Canchalagua population (Radsia Goodalli and Radsia Sulcatus) on San Cristobal Island, Galápagos: Reproductive traits of commercially valuable chitons. With OH Avila-Poveda and QY Abadia-Chanona from Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa.
  • Marine Biodiversity of Continental Ecuador: Influence of temperature and latitude on the biodiversity of rocky intertidal ecosystems.
  • Management and Conservation of Elasmobranch populations on the coast of Ecuador: Genetic identification and microplastic concentrations of/in threatened shark species in continental Ecuador. With Guuske Tiktak from MMU.
  • The Role of temperature in the regulation of herbivory and Algal Biomass in Upwelling Systems: Effects of temperature on trophic relationships. With John Bruno from UNC-Ch.
  • From the Fishing net to your plate – Do you know where your fish come from?: Gathering information on the practices of catching and raising seafood.
  • Status of hermatypical corals in the Galápagos Marine Reserve: With Cheryl Logan from CSUMB and Nicolás Dávalos (alumni USFQ).


2022Distribution and feeding ecology of sea stars in the Galápagos rocky subtidal zoneCastelló & Tickell S, Low NH, Lamb RW, Brandt M & Witman JD.Download
2022Top-down and bottom-up control in the Galápagos Upwelling SystemBrandt M, Silva-Romero I, Fernández-Garnica D, Agudo-Adriani E, Bove C & JF BrunoDownload
2022First report of any species of the red algal order Nemaliales from mainland Ecuador: Neoizziella asiatica (Liagoraceae, Rhodophyta). Williamson B, Gabrielson PW & Brandt MDownload
2022Gracilaria parva sp. nov. (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) a Diminutive Species from the Tropical Eastern PacificFreshwater DW, Williamson B, Gabrielson PW, & Brandt MDownload
2021Local conditions influence thermal sensitivity of pencil urchin populations (Eucidaris galapagensis) in the Galápagos Archipelago. Silva I, Silbiger N, Bruno JF & Brandt MDownload
2020De la red al plato ¿Sabes de dónde viene tu Pescado?Brandt M, Eguiguren A, Espinosa P, Muñoz MC, Ulloa C, Gachet V.Download
2020Maduración gonádica continua del quitón Radsia goodallii, en la Isla San Cristóbal, GalápagosGallardo-Duran C, Abadia-Chanona QY, Avila-Poveda OH, Vintimilla-Palacios CP & Brandt M.Download
2020Alta conectividad de tres especies de quitones con variable intensidad de extracción en Ecuador continental e insularGordon C, Cueva D, Griffiths S, Chaves JA, Preziosi R, & Brandt MDownload
2019Comparación del rendimiento térmico del erizo lapicero Eucidaris galapagensis en las Islas GalápagosSilva I, Bruno JF, Silbiger N y Brandt M.Download
2019Patrones de afloramiento y estacionalidad influyen en la estructura de la comunidad de peces en la Reserva Marina de GalápagosGuarderas MJ, Bruno JF & Brandt M.Download
2019Genética poblacional de dos especies de invertebrados marinos en la Reserva Marina de GalápagosQuillupangi P, Cueva D, Griffiths S, Preziozi R, Brandt MDownload
2019First record of a by-the-wind-sailor (Velella velella Linnaeus, 1758) in the Galápagos Archipelago – EcuadorCarrera M, Trujillo JE and Brandt M.Download
2019The beauty of micro-interactions: microbes and corals under an acidic ocean.Guevara-Campoverde NC, Brandt M & Rosero-Contreras P.Download
2019Influencia de la biogeografía y la oceanografía en la diversidad funcional y taxonómica de la Reserva Marina de GalápagosBrandt M, Smith F, Banks S, Ruiz D and Witman JDDownload
2017Coral Reef Conservation in the Eastern Tropical PacificAlvarado JJ, Aburto-Oropeza O, Abad R, Barraza E, Brandt M, Cantera J, Estrada P, Gaymer C, Guzmán-Mora AG, Herlan J, Maté J.Download
2017Field Guide to Select Eastern Pacific Corals and Associated Coral Reef BiotaMate J, Brandt M, Grassian B, Chiriboga AIDownload
2012Echinoderms of EcuadorSonneholzner J, Brandt M, Francisco V, Hearn A, Luzuriaga M, Guarderas P, Navarro JC.Download
2012Influence of a dominant consumer species reverses at increased diversityBrandt M, Witman JD, Chiriboga AI.Download
2012Refugia and top-down control of the pencil urchin Eucidaris galapagensis in the Galápagos Marine ReserveDee L, Witman JD, Brandt M.Download
2010Coupling between subtidal prey and consumers along mesoscale upwelling gradient in the Galápagos IslandsWitman JD, Brandt M, Smith F.Download
2010Disturbance type affects distribution of mobile invertebrates in a high saltmarsh communityBrandt M, Bromberg-Gedan K, Garcia EA.Download
2010El Niño, grazers and fisheries interact to greatly elevate extinction risk for Galápagos marine speciesEdgar G, Banks S, Brandt M. et al.Download
2002Erizos de marBrandt M, Guarderas P.Download