Diversity and ecology of freshwater fishes and macroinvertebrates. Ethnoichthyology. Urban rives and recovery of altered ecosystems. Science communications. Photography and audiovisual documentaries.
- DRYvER: This project aims to predict hydrology, biodiversity and ecological processes under different climate change scenarios in rivers in different regions of the world, including Ecuador.
- Mercury in aquatic ecosystems and Amazon communities of Ecuador
- Salinity dynamics in lake pools of Isabela Island, Galapagos during the 2023-2024 El Niño event
- Barcode and environmental DNA in freshwater and brackish water ecosystems in Galapagos Islands
- Diversity of freshwater and brackish water ecosystems of the Galapagos Islands.
- Water bodies: Recovering connections with the Machángara river
- Inventory of fish and decapod diversity in the Camarones River, Jama Coaque Reserve, Manabí.
- Diversity inventory in the Pumamaqui Reserve, Napo.
- NUNA Project: Discover Napo
Año | Título | Autores | Documento |
2024 | Fresh vs. Preserved Specimens: Length‐Weight Relationships of Fishes from the Western Amazon (Napo Basin, Ecuador). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2024(1), 2430326. | Barragán, K. S., Chuctaya, J., Escobar-Camacho, D., Vieira, J., & Encalada, A. C. | Descargar |
2024 | Mercury in aquatic ecosystems of two indigenous communities in the Piedmont Ecuadorian Amazon: evidence from fish, water, and sediments. Ecotoxicology, 1-17. | Escobar-Camacho, D., Rosero-López, D., Ruiz-Urigüen, M., Barragán, K. S., Carpintero-Salvador, N., Daza, J. R., … & Encalada, A. C. | Descargar |
2023 | Host species of the hemiparasitic shrub Phoradendron nervosum Oliv. in densely urban areas of Quito, Ecuador. ACI Avances en Ciencias e Ingenierías, 15(2). | Carrera, M., Altamirano, L., & Barragán, K. | Descargar |
2023 | Rediscovery of Rhyacoglanis pulcher (Boulenger, 1887): type-species of the genus and a rare neotropical rheophilic catfish collected after nearly 140 years in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Siluriformes: Pseudopimelodidae). | Chuctaya, J., Encalada, A. C., Barragán-Figueroa, K., Ochoa-Herrera, V. y Torres,M.L | Descargar |
2020 | New Ecuadorian records of the eyeless banjo catfish Micromyzon akamai (Soluriformes: Aspredinidae) expand the species range and reveal intraespecific morphological variation. Journal of Fish Biology. | Chuctaya, J., Encalada , A., Barragán- Figueroa, K., Torres, M.L.,,Rojas, K., Ochoa- Herrera, V. & Carvalho, T. | Descargar |
2019 | Los ríos de las cuencas Andino-Amazónicas: Herramientas, y guía de invertebrados para el diseño efectivo de programas de monitoreo. Trama, Quito, 224 pp. | Encalada A. C., Guayasamin J.M., Suárez E., Mena C. F., Lessmann J., Sampedro C., Martínez, P.E., Ochoa-Herrera V., Swing K., Celinšćak M., Schreckinger J., Vieira, J., Tapia A., Serrano C., Barragán K., Andrade S., Alexiades A., & M. J. Troya. | Descargar |