About Us
The objective of the interdisciplinary Institute BIOSPHERE-USFQ is to develop in a national and international level scientific research in a broad range of academic topics and different biosphere ecosystems. The BIOSFERA Institute contributes to generate knowledge and to manage, preserve, and restore species and various ecosystems. It suggests an integral view focused on ecological, evolutionary, technical, social, cultural, legal, and economic aspects. Within the USFCQ community, the BIOSFERA-USFQ supports researchers' and students' projects and encourages cooperation, dissemination of information, and scientific and technological exchange.
To be an internationally recognized interdisciplinary research center and a national benchmark, a leader in research, service provision and sustainable management of environmental, biological and genetic resources.
The complexity of various national and international biosphere ecosystems poses problems and seeks solutions with new strategies that exceed disciplinary researching. For this, the Biósfera Institute's interdisciplinary system allows various scientific aspects that together in an asymmetrical, dynamic, and interactive relationship combine their analysis perspectives to acquire knowledge and contribute to the species and diverse ecosystems management, conservation, and restoring.
Esteban Suárez, Ph.D. Biosfera Institute Director
Claudia Serrano, Mgst. Biosfera Institute Coordinator