Andrea C. Encalada

PhD on Freshwater Ecology, Cornell University, USA

Office: Darwin, DW-017

Phone: (+593 2) 297-1700, ext. 1443



Andrea has a special interest in  freshwater ecology (specifically rivers and stream ecology), aquatic invertebrate history, diversity and community composition. Also, she is interested in environmental flows, climate change, conservation and restoration of freshwater ecosystems, biomonitoring. She currently participates in different projects related to climate change, diversity, and tropical rivers' behavior.


  • DRYvER: This is a project funded by the European Union's HORIZON 2020 (H2020) call and has the participation of 22 European institutions and 3 Latin American institutions. USFQ is the Ecuadorian partner in this consortium. DRYvER's main objective is to investigate how biodiversity, ecosystem functions, ecosystem services and their values in DRNs are directly and indirectly altered by climate change through empirical and modelling work at relevant spatial and temporal scales. Furthermore, DRYvER will provide knowledge-based strategies and tools for cost-effective adaptive management of DRNs in the EU and worldwide. DRYvER Ecuador will be undertaken in the Basin of Cube River, which is in the Esmeraldas River's extended basin.
  • Minga para mi Río: This Project seeks the preservation and conservation of rivers and their biodiversity in order to maintain their ecological processes and ecosystem services. The aim is to involve many entrepreneurs, thinkers, agents, academics, and artists in different activities to protect these important ecosystems.
  • Citizen Science in the Basins of the Ecuadorian Andean-Amazon Rivers: This project attempts to establish a community monitoring system of freshwater (rivers, streams, and lagoons) to empower local communities through the monitoring and management of their rivers. Furthermore, this project will favor the generation of scientific knowledge of the region within the Citizen Science program for the Amazon (Ciencia Ciudadana para la Amazonía). In this way, the project encourages citizens' participation in making decisions and contributing to the Amazon Basin's conservation. This project will take place in three places of the Basins of Curaray and Nushiño: Gareno, Gomataon, and Geyepade Basins.
  • Natural Fluvial Reserves Initiative: This initiative seeks to contribute to the development and implementation of the concept “Fluvial Reserves" (Reservas Fluviales) as a mean of protection of rivers that can be applied to the Amazon Basin and in other areas of the country and South America. Due to the process of environmental deterioration that affects the worldwide fluvial ecosystems, and since it is foreseeable that the pressure the rivers stand over time will get worse, the establishment of a protection category that ensures the maintenance of environmental quality and the hydric and morphological characteristics of the rivers with little alteration is considered important.
  • ECUGUAYCO (Ecuadorian eco-hydrological flows): This project seeks to describe the hydrology, biology, and ecology of the ecosystems of various Ecuadorian rivers, validating a classification model that uses geographic information sensors.


2020Invertebrate response to impacts of water diversion and flow regulation in high‐altitude tropical streamsRosero-Lopez, D., Knighton, J., Lloret P., Encalada, A.C.Download
2020Temperature dependence of metabolic rate in tropical and temperate aquatic insects: Support for the Climate Variability Hypothesis in mayflies but not stonefliesShah AA, Woods HA, Havird JC, Encalada AC, Flecker A, Funk C, Guayasamin J, Kondratieff B, LeRoy Poff N, Thomas S, Zamudio K, Ghalambor C.Download
2020New Ecuadorian records of the eyeless banjo catfish Micromyzon akamai
(Siluriformes: Aspredinidae) expand the species range and reveal intraspecific
morphological variation
Junior Chuctaya, Andrea C. Encalada, Karla S. Barragán, Maria L. Torres, Karla E. Rojas, Valeria Ochoa-Herrera, Tiago P. CarvalhoDownload
2020Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Fluxes From Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments in a High-Altitude Tropical Catchment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 125: e2020JG005844.Schneider, C. L., M. Herrera, M. L. Raisle, A. R. Murray, K. M. Whitmore, A. C. Encalada, E. Suarez, and D. A. Riveros-Iregui.Download
2020Identifying Stream Invertebrates as Plant Litter ConsumersLuz Boyero, Richard G Pearson, Ricardo J. Albarino, Marcos Callisto, Francisco J. Correa-Araneda, Andrea C. Encalada, Frank Onderi Masese, Marcelo S Moretti, Alonso Ramirez, April E. Sparkman, Christopher M. Swan, Catherine M. Yule, Manuel GraçaDownload
2020Darwin Returns to the Galapagos: Genetic and MorphologicalAnalyses Confirm the Presence of Tramea darwini at theArchipelago (Odonata, Libellulidae)María Olalla Lorenzo-Carballa, Rosser W. Garrison, Andrea C. Encalada and Adolfo Cordero-RiveraDownload
2019Global patterns and drivers of ecosystem functioning
in rivers and riparian zones
S. D. Tiegs, D. M. Costello, M. W. Isken, G. Woodward, P. B. McIntyre, M. O. Gessner,
E. Chauvet, N. A. Griffiths, A. S. Flecker, V. Acuña, R. Albariño, D. C. Allen, C. Alonso, P. Andino,
C. Arango, J. Aroviita, M. V. M. Barbosa, L. A. Barmuta, C. V. Baxter, T. D. C. Bell, B. Bellinger,
L. Boyero, L. E. Brown, A. Bruder, D. A. Bruesewitz, F. J. Burdon, M. Callisto, C. Canhoto, K. A. Capps,
M. M. Castillo, J. Clapcott, F. Colas, C. Colón-Gaud, J. Cornut, V. Crespo-Pérez, W. F. Cross, J. M. Culp,
M. Danger, O. Dangles, E. de Eyto, A. M. Derry, V. D. Villanueva, M. M. Douglas, A. Elosegi,
A. C. Encalada, S. Entrekin, R. Espinosa, D. Ethaiya, V. Ferreira, C. Ferriol, K. M. Flanagan,
T. Fleituch, J. J. Follstad Shah, A. Frainer, N. Friberg, P. C. Frost, E. A. Garcia, L. García Lago,
P. E. García Soto, S. Ghate, D. P. Giling, A. Gilmer, J. F. Gonçalves Jr., R. K. Gonzales, M. A. S. Graça,
M. Grace, H.-P. Grossart, F. Guérold, V. Gulis, L. U. Hepp, S. Higgins, T. Hishi, J. Huddart,
J. Hudson, S. Imberger, C. Iñiguez-Armijos, T. Iwata, D. J. Janetski, E. Jennings, A. E. Kirkwood,
A. A. Koning, S. Kosten, K. A. Kuehn, H. Laudon, P. R. Leavitt, A. L. Lemes da Silva, S. J. Leroux,
C. J. LeRoy, P. J. Lisi, R. MacKenzie, A. M. Marcarelli, F. O. Masese, B. G. McKie, A. O. Medeiros,
K. Meissner, M. Miliša, S. Mishra, Y. Miyake, A. Moerke, S. Mombrikotb, R. Mooney, T. Moulton,
T. Muotka, J. N. Negishi, V. Neres-Lima, M. L. Nieminen, J. Nimptsch, J. Ondruch, R. Paavola,
I. Pardo, C. J. Patrick, E. T. H. M. Peeters, J. Pozo, C. Pringle, A. Prussian, E. Quenta, A. Quesada,
B. Reid, J. S. Richardson, A. Rigosi, J. Rincón, G. Rîşnoveanu, C. T. Robinson, L. Rodríguez-Gallego,
T. V. Royer, J. A. Rusak, A. C. Santamans, G. B. Selmeczy, G. Simiyu, A. Skuja, J. Smykla,
K. R. Sridhar, R. Sponseller, A. Stoler, C. M. Swan, D. Szlag, F. Teixeira-de Mello, J. D. Tonkin,
S. Uusheimo, A. M. Veach, S. Vilbaste, L. B. M. Vought, C.-P. Wang, J. R. Webster, P. B. Wilson,
S. Woelfl, M. A. Xenopoulos, A. G. Yates, C. Yoshimura, C. M. Yule, Y. X. Zhang, J. A. Zwart
2019Energy development reveals blind spots for ecosystem conservation in the Amazon BasinElizabeth P Anderson, Tracey Osborne, Javier A Maldonado-Ocampo, Megan Mills-Novoa, Leandro Castello, Mariana Montoya, Andrea C Encalada, and Clinton N JenkinsDownload
2019Survival and longevity in neotropical damselflies (Odonata, Polythoridae)Cordero–Rivera, A., Sanmartín–Villar, I., Sánchez Herrera, M., Rivas–Torres, A., Encalada, A. CDownload
2019Philogenia gaiae sp. nov.(Zygoptera: Philogeniidae) and description of the female of P. macuma Dunkle, 1986, two species from the Ecuadorean lowland rainforest.Silva-Vilela, D., Rhainer, G., Ferreira, G., Encalada, AC., Cordero-Rivera, A.
2019Spatial prediction of stream physicochemical parameters for the Napo River Basin, EcuadorAlexander V. Alexiades, Andrea C. Encalada, Janeth Lessmann & Juan M.GuayasaminDownload
2019Validating anthropogenic threat maps as a tool for assessing river ecological integrity in Andean-Amazon basins. PEERJ 7.Lessmann, J., M. J. Troya, A. S. Flecker, W. C. Funk, J. M. Guayasamin, V. Ochoa-Herrera, N. L. Poff, E. Suarez, and A. C. Encalada.Download
2019Nutrient recycling by insect and fish communities in high-elevation tropical streamsCarla L. Atkinson .Alexander V. Alexiades .Keeley L. MacNeill .Andrea C. Encalada .Steve A. Thomas .Alexander S. FleckerDownload
2019A global perspective on tropical montane rivers. Encalada, A. C., A. S. Flecker, N. L. Poff, E. Suarez, G. A. Herrera-R, B. Rios-Touma, S. Jumani, E. I. Larson, and E. P. Anderson.Download
2019Biodiversity of leaf litter fungi in streams along a latitudinal gradientSahadevan Seena, Felix Bärlocher, Olímpia Sobral, Mark O. Gessner,David Dudgeon,
Brendan G. McKie, Eric Chauvet, Luz Boyero, Verónica Ferreira, Andre Frainer, Andreas Bruder,
Christoph D. Matthaei, Stefano Fenoglio, Kandikere R. Sridhar, Ricardo J. Albariño, Michael M. Douglas, Andrea C. Encalada, Erica Garcia, Sudeep D. Ghate, Darren P. Giling, Vítor Gonçalves y Tomoya Iwata, Andrea Landeira-Dabarca, Damien McMaster, Adriana O. Medeiros, Josheena Naggea, Jesús Pozo, Pedro M. Raposeiro y Christopher M. Swan, Nathalie S.D. Tenkiano, Catherine M. Yule, Manuel A.S. Graça
2019Hydrologic-Biogeochemical Connections Across the Terrestrial-Aquatic Interface in Tropical Andean WatershedsDiego A Riveros-Iregui, Andrew Roderick Murray, Andrea Encalada, Esteban Suarez, Gonzalo Rivas-TorresDownload
2019Spatiotemporal Assessments of Greenhouse Gas Production and Flux in Headwater Tropical StreamsAndrew Roderick Murray, Diego Riveros-Iregui, Andrea Encalada, Esteban Suarez, Gonzalo Rivas-TorresDownload
2019Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Carbon Fluxes from Surface Waters in Tropical, Alpine, Headwater CatchmentsMaribel Herrera, Diego Riveros-Iregui, Andrew Roderick Murray, Andrea Encalada, Esteban Suarez, Gonzalo Rivas-TorresDownload
2019Classifying Hydrologic Regimes of the AmazonSiddiqui, S.; Zapata-Rios, X.; Kaplan, D. A.; Torres, S. J.; Encalada, A.; Anderson, E.; Allaire, M.Download
2019Demography and territorial behaviour of three species of the genus Hetaerina along three tropical stream ecosystems (Odonata: Calopterygidae)María Virginia Gabela-Flores, Iago Sanmartín-Villar, Anais Rivas-Torres, Andrea C. Encalada & Adolfo Cordero-RiveraDownload
2018Are mountain passes more dangerous in the tropics? Interannual community stability along elevation and disturbance gradients in temperate and tropical streamsErin I Larson, Andrea C Encalada, N LeRoy Poff, Alexander FleckerDownload
2018Cold/Warm stenothermic freshwater macroinvertebrates along altitudinal and latitudinal gradients in Western South America: A modern approach to an old hypothesis with updated dataDos Santos D.A., Molineri C., Nieto, C., Zuñiga M.C., Emmerich D., Fierro P., Pessacq P., Rios-Touma B., Márquez, J., Gomez D., Salles F.F, Encalada A.C., Príncipe R., Gómez G.C., Valdovinos-Zarges C., & E. DomínguezDownload
2018Determinants of food resource assimilation by stream insects along a tropical elevation gradientAtkinson C.L., Encalada A.C., Rugenski A.T., Thomas S.A., Landeira-Dabarca A., Poff N.L. & A. S. FleckerDownload
2018Fragmentation of Andes-to-Amazon connectivity by hydropower damsAnderson E.A., Jenkins C.N., Heilpern S., Maldonado-Ocampo J.A., Carvajal-Vallejos F.M., Encalada A.C., Rivadeneira J.F., Hidalgo M., Cañas C.M., Ortega H., Salcedo N., Maldonado M. & P.A. TedescoDownload
2018Calidad de los rios y salud de los ecosistemas acuaticos en la Amazonia= Qualité des rivières et et santé des écosystèmes aquatiques en AmazonieLaurence Maurice, J Mena, C Moreno, J Prunier, L Laffont, V Ochoa-Herrera, AC EncaladaDownload
2018Narrow thermal tolerance and low dispersal drive higher speciation in tropical mountainsNicholas R. Polatoa, Brian A. Gillb, Alisha A. Shahb, Miranda M. Graya, Kayce L. Casnerb, Antoine Bartheletd, Philipp W. Messerd, Mark P. Simmonsb, Juan M. Guayasamine,f, Andrea C. Encalada, Boris C. Kondratieffb, Alexander S. Flecker, Steven A. Thomas, Cameron K. Ghalamborb, N. LeRoy Poffb, W. Chris Funk,
and Kelly R. Zamudioa,
2017Female polymorphism and colour variability in Argia oculata (Coenagrionidae: Zygoptera)Sanmartín-Villar I., Rivas-Torres A., Gabela-Flores M. V., Encalada A.C. & A. Cordero-RiveraDownload
2017Riparian plant litter quality increases with latitudeBoyero, L., M. A. S. Graça, A. M. Tonin, J. Pérez, A. J. Swafford, V. Ferreira, A. Landeira-Dabarca, M. A. Alexandrou, M. O. Gessner, B. G. McKie, R. J. Albariño, L. A. Barmuta, M. Callisto, J. Chará, E. Chauvet, C. Colón-Gaud, D. Dudgeon, A. C. Encalada, R. Figueroa, A. S. Flecker, T. Fleituch, A. Frainer, J. F. Gonçalves Jr, J. E. Helson, T. Iwata, J. Mathooko, C. M’Erimba, C. M. Pringle, A. Ramírez, C. M. Swan, C. M. Yule, and R. G. PearsonDownload
2017Climate variability predicts thermal limits of aquatic insects across elevation and latitudeShah A., Gill B., Encalada A.C., Flecker A.S., Funk W.C., Guayasamin, J.M., Kondratieff B., Poff N. L., Thomas S., Zamudio, K.R., and C. GhalamborDownload
2017Distribution and Habitat Suitability of Andean Climbing Catfish in the Napo River Basin, EcuadorAlexiades, A.V., & A.C. EncaladaDownload
2017Genetic diversity and gene flow decline with elevation in montane mayfliesPolato N.R., Gray M.M., Gil B.A., Kasner B.A., Becker C.G., Flecker A.S., Kondratief B.C., Encalada A.C., Poff N.L., Funk W.C. and K.R. ZamudioDownload
2016Bridging Theory and Practice for Hydrological Monitoring in Water FundsEncalada A.C., Suárez E., Schrekinger, J., Arboleda R., Sánchez M.E., Benítez S., Sáenz M., Domínguez D., Galindo G., Higgins J., Petry P., L. Bremer L.Download
2016Parthenogenesis did not consistently evolve in insular populations of Ischnura hastata (Odonata, Coenagrionidae)Lorenzo-Carballa M.O., Hassall C., Encalada, A.C. Sanmartín-Villar I., Torres-Cambas Y. And A. Cordero-RiveraDownload
2016Freshwater vertebrate and invertebrate diversity patterns in an Andean-Amazon basin: implications for conservation effortsLessmann, J., Guayasamin, J. M., Casner, K.L., Flecker, A. S., Funk,C.W., Ghalambor, C.K., Gill B.A., Jácome-Negrete, I., Kondratieff, B.C., Poff, L. N., Schreckinger, J., Thomas, S.A., Toral-Contreras, E.T., Zamudio K. R. & Andrea C. EncaladaDownload
2016Cryptic species diversity reveals biogeographic support for the 'Mountain Passes are Higher in the Tropics' HypothesisGill, B., Kondratieff, B., Casner, K., Encalada, C. A., Flecker, A., Gannon, D., Ghalambor, C., Guayasamin, J., Poff, L., Simmons, M., Thomas, S., Zamudio, K., & C.W. FunkDownload
2016Biotic and abiotic variables influencing plant litter breakdown in streams: a global studyBoyero, L. Pearson, R.G., Swan, C.M., Hui, C., Gessner, M.O., Pérez, J., Alexandrou, M.A., Graca M.A.S., Cardinale B.J., Albariño, R.J., Arunachalam,M., Barmuta, L.A., Boulton, A.J., Bruder, A., Callisto, M., Chauvet E., Death, R., Dudgeon, D., Encalada, A.C., Ferreira, V., igueroa, R., Flecker A.S., Goncalvez, Jr., Helson J.E., Iwata T., Jinggut T., Mathooko, J.M., Mathuriau, C., M’Erimba, C. Moretti M.S., Pringle, M., Ramirez, A., Ratnarajah, L., Rincón, J. & C. M. YuleDownload
2016Towards catchment classification in data-scarce regionsAuerbach, D.A., Buchanan, B.P., Alexiades, A.V., Anderson, E.P. Encalada, A.C., Larson, E.I. McManamay, R.A. Poe, G.L. Walter, M.T. and A.S. FleckerDownload
2016Evidence for isolation among mountains but not between stream types in Ecuador’s highest altitude mayflyFinn D. S., Encalada, A.C., & H. HampelDownload
2016The status of Rhionaeschna galapagoensis (Currie, 1901) with notes on its biology and a description of its ultimate instar larva (Odonata: Aeshnidae)Encalada, A.C., Cordero-Rivera, A., Sánchez-Guillén, R.A., Santolamazza-Carbone S. & N. von EllenriederDownload
2015Latitudinal gradient of nestedness and its potential drivers in stream detritivoresBoyero, L. Pearson, R.G., Swan, C.M., Hui, C., Albariño, R.J., Arunachalam,M., Callisto, M., Chará, J. Chará-Serna A.C., Chauvet E., Cornejo, A., Dudgeon, D., Encalada, A.C., Ferreira, V., Gessner, M.G. Gonçalves Jr, J.F., Graça, M. A. S., Helson J.E., Mathooko, J.M., McKie, B. G., Moretti M.S. & C. M. YuleDownload
2015Effects of exotic trout on benthic communities in high-Andean tropical streamsVimos, D. J., Encalada, A.C., Rios-Touma, B., Suarez E. & N. PratDownload
2015Leaf litter breakdown in tropical streams: is variability the normLuz Boyero,Richard G. Pearson, Mark O. Gessner, David Dudgeon, Alonso Ramírez, Catherine M. Yule, Marcos Callisto, Catherine M. Pringle, Andrea C. Encalada, Muthukumarasamy Arunachalam, Jude Mathooko, Julie E. Helson, José Rincón, Andreas Bruder, Aydeé Cornejo Alexander S. Flecker, Catherine Mathuriau, Charles M’Erimba, José F. Gonçalves Jr, Marcelo Moretti, and Tajang JinggutDownload
2015A conceptual model of litter breakdown in low order streamsGraca, M. A. S., Ferreira V., Canhoto C., Encalada A.C., Guerrero-Bolano F., Wantzen K.M. & L. BoyeroDownload
2015A comparative analysis reveals weak relationships between ecological factors and beta diversity of stream insect metacommunities at two spatial levelsJani Heino*, Adriano S. Melo*, Luis Mauricio Bini*, Florian Altermatt, Salman A. Al-Shami, David G. Angeler, Nuria Bonada, Cecilia Brand, Marcos Callisto, Karl Cottenie, Olivier Dangles, David Dudgeon, Andrea Encalada, Emma Gothe, Mira Gronroos, Neusa Hamada, Dean Jacobsen, Victor L. Landeiro, Raphael Ligeiro, Renato T. Martins, Mar?a Laura Miserendino, Che Salmah Md Rawi, Marciel E. Rodrigues, Fabio de Oliveira Roque, Leonard Sandin, Denes Schmera, Luciano F. Sgarbi , John P. Simaika, Tadeu Siqueira, Ross M. Thompson & Colin R. TownsendDownload
2014Las colecciones científicas: percepciones y verdades sobre su valor y necesidadSwing, K., Denkinger, J., Carvajal L.V, Encalada, A.C., Silva X., Coloma L.A., Guerra J.F., Campos Yánez, F., Zak, V., Riera P., Rivadeneira, J.F., & H. ValdebenitoDownload
2014Contaminants as habitat disturbers: PAH-driven drift by Andean páramo stream insectsAraujo, C., Moreira-Santos, M, Sousa, J.P., Ochoa-Herrera, V., Encalada, A.C. & R. RibeiroDownload
2014Active avoidance from a crude oil soluble fraction by an Andean páramo copepod. EcotoxicologyAraujo, C., Moreira-Santos, M., Sousa, J.P., Ochoa-Herrera, V., Encalada, A.C. & R. RibeiroDownload
2013Land Use and Water Quality in a Rural Cloud Forest Region (Intag, Ecuador)Knee, K.L. & A. C. EncaladaDownload
2013Influence of vegetation types and ground cover on soil water infiltration capacity in a high-altitude páramo ecosystemSuárez E., Arcos E., Moreno C., Encalada, A.C. y M. ÁlvarezDownload
2012Oviposition of Aquatic Insects in a Tropical High Altitude StreamRíos-Touma, B., A.C. Encalada, & N. Prat FornellsDownload
2012Effects of litter diversity on decomposition and biological colonization of submerged litter in temperate and tropical streamsFerreira, V., Encalada, A.C. & M.A.S. GraçaDownload
2012Invertebrate drift and colonization processes in a tropical Andean streamRíos-Touma, B., Prat Fornells, N. & A.C. EncaladaDownload
2012Large-scale manipulation of mayfly recruitment affects population sizeEncalada, A.C. & Peckarsky, B.L.Download
2011Macroinvertebrate Assemblages of an Andean High-Altitude Tropical Stream: The Importance of Season and FlowRíos-Touma, B., Encalada A.C., & N. Prat FornellsDownload
2011Global distribution of a key trophic guild contrasts with common latitudinal diversity patternsBoyero, L., Pearson,R.G., Dudgeon, D., Graça, M.A.S., Gessner, M.O., Albariño, R.J., Ferreira, V. Yule, C.M., Boulton, A.J., Arunachalam, M., Callisto, M., Chauvet, E., Ramírez, A., Chará, J., Moretti, M.S., Gonçalves, J.F. Jr., Helson,J.E., Chará-Serna, A.M., Encalada, A.C., Davies, J.N., Lamothe, S., Cornejo, A., Castela, J. Li, A.O.Y., Buria, L.M., Villanueva, V. D., Zúñiga, M.D. and C. M. Pringle.Download
2011The influence of recruitment on within-generation population dynamics of a mayflyEncalada, A.C., and B. L. PeckarskyDownload
2011Why do vulnerable mayflies thrive in trout streams?Peckarsky, B.L., Encalada, A.C., McIntoshDownload
2011Global patterns of stream detritivores distribution: implications for biodiversity loss in changing climatesBoyero L., Pearson R.G., Dudgeon D., Ferreira V., Graça, M.A.S., Gessner M.O., Boulton A.J., Chauvet E., Yule C.M., Albariño R.J., Ramírez A., Helson J.E., Callisto M., Arunachalam M., Chará J., Figueroa R., Mathooko J.M., Gonçalves J.F.Jr, Moretti M.S., Chará-Serna A.M., Davies J.D., Encalada A.C., Lamothe S., Buria L.M., Castela J., Cornejo A., Li A.O.Y, M’Erimba C., Díaz Villanueva V., Zúñiga M., Swan C.M. and Barmuta L.A.Download
2011Leaf litter breakdown across three flooding regimes in a seasonally-flooded Amazonian watershedCapps, K., Graça, M.A.S., Encalada, A.C. and A. FleckerDownload
2010Riparian land use and the relationship between the benthos and litter decomposition in tropical montane streamsEncalada, A.C., Calles, J. Ferreira, V., C. Canhoto and Graça, M.C.Download
2009Leaf litter dynamics and its use by invertebrates in a high-alitude tropical Andean StreamRíos Touma B., Encalada, A.C., Prat Fornell, N.Download
2009Evaluación de la calidad de agua a través de macroinvertebrados bentónicos e índices biológicos en ríos tropicales en bosque de neblina montano,Arroyo D.C & A.C. Encalada.Arroyo D.C & A.C. Encalada.Download
2008Hydraulic and geomorphic effects on mayfly drift in high-gradient streams at moderate dischargesWilcox,A.C., Peckarsky, B.L., Taylor, B.W. and Encalada, A.C.Download
2007A comparative study of the costs of alternative mayfly oviposition behaviorsEncalada, A.C. and B.L. PeckarskyDownload
2006Selective oviposition behavior of the mayfly Baetis bicaudatusEncalada, A.C. and B.L. PeckarskyDownload
2005Are populations of mayflies living in adjacent fish and fishless streams genetically differentiated?Peckarsky, B.L. Hughes, J.M., Mather P.B. Hillyer, M. and Encalada A.C.Download
1998Are populations of mayflies living in adjacent fish and fishless streams genetically differentiated?Jacobsen, D. & A. C. Encalada.Download
1997Structure and diversity of stream invertebrate assemblages: the influence of temperature with altitude and latitudeJacobsen, D., R. Schultz & A. C. Encalada.Download

Non-academic publications

2019Drivers of nutrient uptake in tropical and temperate streams Keeley L MacNeill, Brady S Kohler, Andrea C Encalada, Steven A Rosi, Alexander S Flecker, Corson HallDownload
2014Diagnostico de la calidad ecologica de los rios y la vegetacion de ribera de las zonas de manejo del FONAGEncalada, A.C., Suárez, E. Schrekinger J, Arboleda R. & M.E. SánchezDownload
2011Diagnóstico de la integridad ecológica y la calidad del agua de los ríos en las zonas de manejo del Fondo de Protección de Agua para Quito FONAGEncalada, A.C., Ibarra, C. & M.C. de la PazDownload
2010Funciones ecosistémicas y diversidad de los ríos: Reflexiones sobre el concepto de caudal ecológico y su aplicación en el EcuadorEncalada, A.C.Download
2010Diseño de una estrategia de muestreo, análisis y monitoreo de parámetros de vertidos para la protección de los cuerpos y fuentes de agua mediante la identificación y caracterización de capacidad local instalada en las provincias de Bolívar, Los Ríos, Manabí y EsmeraldasPeñafiel, R., Ochoa, V., Encalada, A.C., Regalado, D. & C. IbarraDownload
2005Evaluación Ecológica de Paisaje de la Provincia de CotopaxiEncalada, A.C. y Martínez, C.Download

Chapters books

2016Bridging Theory and Practice for Hydrological Monitoring in Water Funds,Chapter 2: FONAGIn: Bremer, L., Vogl, A. L. De Bièvre, B., & P. Petry: Encalada A.C., Suárez E., Schrekinger, J., Arboleda R., Sánchez M.E., Benítez S., Sáenz M., Domínguez D., Galindo G., Higgins J., Petry P., L. Bremer LDownload
2013Flores comunes de los páramos de Palugillo, Papallacta y AntisanaSuárez, E. Encalada, A.C., & M. ÁlvarezDownload
2011Protocolo simplificado y guía de evaluación de la calidad ecológica y ríos andinos (CERA-s)Encalada, A.C., Rieradevall, M. Ríos-Touma, B. García, N. y Prat, N.Download
2011Biodiversity in aquatic system of the tropical AndesMaldonado, M., Maldonado-Ocampo, J.A., Ortega, H., Encalada, A.C., Carvajal-Vallejos, F.M., Rivadeneira, J.F., Acosta, F., Jacobsen, D., Crespo, A. and Rivera-Rondón, C.A. In: Herzog, S.K., Martínez, R., Jørgensen, P.M. and Tiessen, H. (Editors). Climate Change and Biodiversity in the Tropical Andes.Download
2011Environmental flows: a tool for addressing effects of river alterations and climate change in the AndesAnderson E.P., Encalada A.C., Maldonado-Ocampo J.A., McClain M.E., Ortega H, and Wilcox B.P. In: Herzog, S.K., Martínez, R., Jørgensen, P.M. and Tiessen, H. (Editors). Download
2006Integridad Ecológica de la Provincia de Cotopaxi, EcuadorEncalada, A.C. y Martínez, C. en: Atlas de la Provincia de Cotopaxi. C. Martínez (Ed.)Download