Antonio León-Reyes
PhD in Enviromental Biology, Utrecht University
Office: Maxwell, M-220
Phone: (+593 2) 297-1700, ext. 1190

Plants and Agriculture
- Functional microbiome of agricultural crops in Ecuador
- Elicitors of Plant Immunity
- Biological control of pests and diseases
- Molecular detection of pests and diseases
Year | Title | Authors | Document |
2021 | Back to the Roots: Deciphering the taxonomic and functional diversity of the root microbiome of wild and modern tomato in the Ecuadorian Andes | Chanco P., Sarango-Flores S., Hernandez E., Cordovez Da Cunha V., León-Reyes, A., Oyserman B., Cardenas P., Carrión V., Mendes R., Raaijmakers J., Van‘t Hof P. | Download |
2021 | What a wonderful MICROworld”: Functional Microbiome Studies in Ecuador | Obando E., Chanco P., Van‘t Hof P., Darquea A., Sarango S., León-Reyes A., Denkinger J., Cardenas P., Cordovez da Cunha V., Raaijmakers J. | Download |
2021 | Editorial: Novel Plant Molecules Regulating the Interaction With Pathogenic and Beneficial Fungi | Baccelli I., Bertini L., Hickman R., Leon-Reyes A., Proietti S. | Download |
2020 | Root microbiome modulates plant growth promotion induced by low doses of glyphosate | Ramirez-Villacis DX, Finkel OM, SalasGonzález I, Fitzpatrick CR, Dangl JL, Jones CD, Leon-Reyes A. | Download |
2020 | The Molecular Basis of JAZ-MYC Coupling, a Protein-Protein Interface Essential for Plant Response to Stressors | Oña Chuquimarca S., Ayala-Ruano S., Goossens J., Pauwels L., Goossens A., Leon-Reyes A and Angel Mendez M. | Download |
2020 | Induced tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses of broccoli and Arabidopsis after treatment with elicitor molecules | Venegas-Molina J., Proietti S., Pollier J., Orozco-Freire W., Ramirez-Villacis D., Leon-Reyes A. | Download |
2020 | Effect of Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) and Trichoderma harzianum (Rifai) on Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid & White) in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.) | Erazo Sandoval N., Echeverría M., Jave J., León-Reyes A., Lindao V., Manzano JC., Inca N. | Download |
2020 | Plant microbiomes and their benefit towards a more sustainable agriculture | Van‘t Hof P., Sarango-Flores S., Chanco P., Hernandez E., Cordovez Da Cunha V., León-Reyes, A., Oyserman B., Carrión V., Mendes R., Raaijmakers J. | Download |
2020 | Evaluation of DNA integrity for PCR-based detection of transgenic maize along the production chain of animal feed | Garrido-Ortiz G., Barriga-Medina N., Ramírez-Villacís D., Romo G., Leon-Reyes A. | Download |
2019 | Evaluation of Anthocyanin Production in White and Purple Maize (Zea mays L.) Using Methyl Jasmonate, Phosphorus Deficiency and High Concentration of Sucrose | Leon-Cisneros S., Quirola-Garcés A, Alvarez-Santana J., Barriga-Medina N., Ramirez-Villacís D., Caviedes M., Ramirez-Cárdenas L., Leon-Reyes A. | Download |
2019 | First Report of Alternaria Brown Spot in Cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.) Caused by Alternaria alternata in Ecuador | Guevara F., Oviedo M., Corral M., Viera W., Garrido PA., Leon-Reyes A., Flores J. | Download |
2019 | Evaluación del rendimiento durante el estrés de sequía en 51 genotipos de papa (solanum tuberosum) | Corrales Edgar A., Espinosa-Córdova Esteban., Segovia Solbay., Ramos Hernán., Griffin Felipe., Romo Isabel., Martinez Renato., Leon-Reyes Antonio. | Download |
2019 | Construcción y operación de una cámara anaeróbica de bajo costo para la siembra y el cultivo de bacterias sulfato reductoras | Aracely Zambrano-Romero, Nelson Herrera-Moreno, Gabriel Trueba, Reyes Sierra-Álvarez, Antonio León-Reyes, Valeria Ochoa-Herrera | Download |
2019 | First Report of Banana Anthracnose Caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in Ecuador | Riera N, Ramirez-Villacis D., Barriga-Medina N., Alvarez-Santana J., Herrera K., Ruales C., Leon-Reyes A. | Download |
2019 | Memorias del 4to Simposio en Fitopatología, Control Biológico e Interacciones Planta-Patógeno | León-Reyes A., Barriga N. | Download |
2018 | Evaluación de la conductancia estomática en cuatro variedades de papa (Solanum tuberosum) sometidas a los estreses de calor, frío y sequía | Espinosa E., Ramírez D., Ramos H., Segovia S., Cuesta Subía H., Rivadeneira J, Fernández-Northcote E., Ritter E., León-Reyes A. | Download |
2018 | An evaluation of physical and mechanical scarification methods on seed germination of Vachellia macracantha (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Seigler & Ebinger | Maldonado-Arciniegas F., Ruales C., Caviedes M., Ramírez D, León-Reyes A. | Download |
2018 | Evaluación de las respuestas fisiológicas y de daño foliar durante el estrés de sequía en veinticuatro genotipos de papa (Solanum tuberosum) | Segovia S., Ramos H., Espinosa E., Corrales A., Griffin F., Romo I., Rivadeneira J., Cuesta H., Fernández-Northcote E., Ritter E., Ramírez D., León-Reyes A. | Download |
2017 | Cancro bacteriano asociado a Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis en naranjilla en Ecuador | Bolanos-Carriel C., Gallegos P., Ochoa J., Insuasti M., Bonilla V., Evans M., Alvarez J, Ramirez D., León-Reyes A. | Download |
2017 | Evaluación del daño por frío mediante escala visual y una metodología basada en la fuga de electrolitos en seis variedades de papa (Solanum sp.) | Herrera F., Espinosa E., Cuesta HX., Amagua Bautista JM., Rivadeneira JE., Ramírez D., León-Reyes A. | Download |
2017 | Postharvest evaluation of natural coatings and antifungal agents to control Botrytis cinerea in Rosa sp. | Herrera-Romero I., Ruales C., Caviedes M, Leon-Reyes A. | Download |
2017 | Bacterial canker caused by Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis in naranjilla in Ecuador | Bolanos-Carriel C., Gallegos P., Ochoa J, Insuasti M, Bonilla V., Evans M, Alvarez J, Ramirez D, León-Reyes A. | Download |
2017 | Caracterización de especies del género Spodoptera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), asociados al cultivo de maíz en las provincias de Bolívar, Cañar, Azuay y Loja | Garcés S., Bravo C., Quillay N., Quimbiamba V., Martínez P., León-Reyes A. | Download |
2017 | Uso de activadores de defensa en semilla de chocho, Lupinus mutabilis (Sweet), para el manejo de la plaga Delia platura (Meigen)(Diptera: Anthomylidae) | Garcés S., Sotelo Proaño R., Andrade H., León-Reyes A. | Download |
2016 | Molecular analyses reveal two geographic and genetic lineages for tapeworms, Taenia solium and Taenia saginata, from Ecuador using mitochondrial DNA | Solano D., Navarro JC., León-Reyes A., Benítez-Ortiz W., Rodríguez-Hidalgo R. | Download |
2016 | Saponin determination, expression analysis and functional characterization of saponin biosynthetic genes in Chenopodium quinoa leaves | Fiallos-Jurado J., Pollier J., Moses T., Arendt P, Barriga-Medina N., Morillo E., Arahana V, Torres ML,Goossens A., Leon-Reyes A. | Download |
2013 | Efecto del manejo de cortinas sobre los días a cosecha y la calidad en rosa de exportación (Rosa sp. var. Freedom) cultivada bajo invernadero | Brown-Pérez R., Caviedes M., Uzcátegui E., León-Reyes A. | Download |
2013 | Salicylic acid suppresses jasmonic acid signaling downstream of SCFCOI1-JAZ by targeting GCC promoter motifs via transcription factor ORA59 | Dieuwertje Van der Does, Antonio Leon-Reyes, Annemart Koornneef, Marcel C Van Verk, Nicole Rodenburg, Laurens Pauwels, Alain Goossens, Ana P Körbes, Johan Memelink, Tita Ritsema, Saskia CM Van Wees, Corné MJ Pieterse | Download |
2012 | Hormonal modulation of plant immunity | Corné MJ Pieterse, Dieuwertje Van der Does, Christos Zamioudis, Antonio Leon-Reyes, Saskia CM Van Wees | Download |
2012 | Virus infection decreases the attractiveness of white clover plants for a non-vectoring herbivore | Tamara van Molken, Hannie de Caluwe, Cornelis A Hordijk, Antonio Leon-Reyes, Tjeerd AL Snoeren, Nicole M van Dam, Josef F Stuefer | Download |
2012 | Networking by small-molecule hormones in plant immunity | Pieterse, C.M.J.; Leon Reyes, H.A.; Does, D. van der; Verhage, A.; Koornneef, A.; Pelt, J.A. van; Wees, S.C.M. van | Download |
2011 | Modulation of ethylene-and heat-controlled hyponastic leaf movement in Arabidopsis thaliana by the plant defence hormones jasmonate and salicylate | Martijn van Zanten, Tita Ritsema, Joanna K Polko, Antonio Leon-Reyes, Laurentius ACJ Voesenek, Frank F Millenaar, Corné MJ Pieterse, Anton JM Peeters | Download |
2010 | Cross activity of orthologous WRKY transcription factors in wheat and Arabidopsis | Silvia Proietti, Laura Bertini, Sjoerd Van der Ent, Antonio Leon-Reyes, CMJ Pieterse, Marina Tucci, Carlo Caporale, Carla Caruso | Download |
2010 | Kinome profiling reveals an interaction between jasmonate, salicylate and light control of hyponastic petiole growth in Arabidopsis thaliana | Tita Ritsema, Martijn van Zanten, Antonio Leon-Reyes, Laurentius ACJ Voesenek, Frank F Millenaar, Corné MJ Pieterse, Anton JM Peeters | Download |
2010 | Salicylate-mediated suppression of jasmonate-responsive gene expression in Arabidopsis is targeted downstream of the jasmonate biosynthesis pathway | Antonio Leon-Reyes, Dieuwertje Van der Does, Elvira S De Lange, Carolin Delker, Claus Wasternack, Saskia CM Van Wees, Tita Ritsema, Corné MJ Pieterse | Download |
2010 | Networking by small-molecule hormones in plant immunity | A Leon-Reyes, D Van der Does, A Koornneef, SC Van Wees, CM Pieterse | Download |
2010 | Ethylene signaling renders the jasmonate response of Arabidopsis insensitive to future suppression by salicylic acid | Antonio Leon-Reyes, Yujuan Du, Annemart Koornneef, Silvia Proietti, Ana P Körbes, Johan Memelink, Corné MJ Pieterse, Tita Ritsema | Download |
2009 | Making sense out of signaling during plant defense | Leon Reyes A. | Download |
2009 | Reassessing the role of phospholipase D in the Arabidopsis wounding response | Bastiaan OR Bargmann, Ana M Laxalt, Bas Ter Riet, Christa Testerink, Emmanuelle Merquiol, Alina Mosblech, ANTONIO LEON‐REYES, Corné MJ Pieterse, Michel A Haring, Ingo Heilmann, Dorothea Bartels, Teun Munnik | Download |
2009 | Ethylene modulates the role of NONEXPRESSOR OF PATHOGENESIS-RELATED GENES1 in cross talk between salicylate and jasmonate signaling | Antonio Leon-Reyes, Steven H Spoel, Elvira S De Lange, Hiroshi Abe, Masatomo Kobayashi, Shinya Tsuda, Frank F Millenaar, Rob AM Welschen, Tita Ritsema, Corné MJ Pieterse | Download |
2008 | Towards a reporter system to identify regulators of cross-talk between salicylate and jasmonate signaling pathways in Arabidopsis | Annemart Koornneef, Adriaan Verhage, Antonio Leon-Reyes, Reinier Snetselaar, L.C. Van Loon & Corné M.J. Pieterse | Download |
2008 | Kinetics of salicylate-mediated suppression of jasmonate signaling reveal a role for redox modulation | Annemart Koornneef, Antonio Leon-Reyes, Tita Ritsema, Adriaan Verhage, Floor C. Den Otter, L.C. Van Loon, and Corne´ M.J. Pieterse | Download |
2008 | Cross-talk between signaling pathways leading to defense against pathogens and insects | Pieterse C., Annemart Koornneef., Leon Reyes A., Ritsema T.,Verhage A., Joosten R., De Vos M.,Van V O., Dicke M. | Download |
2007 | Cross-talk between salicylate and jasmonate signaling in Arabidopsis does not require inhibition of octadecanoid biosynthesis | Leon Reyes A, Pieterse C | Download |
2004 | Differences in epicuticular wax layer in tulip can influence resistance to Botrytis tulipae | Leon Reyes A., Prins T., Van Empel JP, Van Tuyl J. | Download |
2003 | In planta screening for resistance to Botrytis tulipae in tulip and molecular screening for Lily Mottle Virus (LMoV) resistance in lily | Leon Reyes A. | Download |