María de Lourdes Torres
Dr. Ret Nat. Molecular Plant Biology, Frei Universität Berlin Germany
Office: Edif. Maxwell, M-205
Phone: (+593 2) 297-1700, ext. 1746

Lourdes research is focussed in trying to understand the genetic diversity of native or endemic plant species at the genetic level for conservation or sustainable agricultural use. She is interested in the use of genomic tools to deeply understand the structure and population dynamics of the species she work with and to characterize microbiomes in different contexts. She also works with animal species in collaboration with other researchers. Within her laboratory she has several projects related to the in vitro plant propagation of several species. She is also interested in the field of biosafety related to genetically modified organisms and responsible management of genetic resources.
- Genome assembly of the Andean blueberry: the purpose of this project is to elaborate a draft genome of this species in order to later analyze possible regions associated with adaptation to high altitude conditions.
- Origin of the invasion of the wild tomato from mainland Ecuador introduced in the Galapagos Islands: this project is carried out in collaboration with Indiana University and we try to understand more clearly the origin of the wild tomato introduced in these islands
through the use of genomic tools. - Genetic diversity of guayusa: this project analyzes the genetic diversity of guayusa cultivated in “chacras” in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
- Characterization of the microbiome associated with the roots of the Andean blueberry: the objective of this project is to understand the relationships that may exist between the microbiome and plant genetics.
- In vitro culture of guayusa and effects of the use of different LED light treatments: this project aims to standardize a protocol for vegetative propagation of this species and to better understand the physiology of this species under different light spectra.
Year | Title | Authors | Document |
2020 | Local extirpation is pervasive among historical populations of Galápagos endemic tomatoes | Gibson, M., Torres, M.L. y Moyle, L. | Download |
2020 | Gametophytic self-incompatibility in Andean capuli (Prunus serotina subsp. capuli): allelic diversity at the S-RNase locus influences normal pollen-tube formation during fertilization. | Gordillo-Romero, M., Correa-Baus, L., Baquero-Méndez, Torres, M.L., Vintimilla, C., Tobar, J. y Torres, A.F. | Download |
2020 | Understanding the genetic diversity of the guayabillo (Psidium galapageium), an endemic plant of the Galapagos Islands. | Urquía, D., Pozo, G., Gutierrez, B., Rowntree, J.K. y Torres, M.L. | Download |
2020 | New Ecuadorian records of the eyeless banjo catfish Micromyzon akamai (Siluriformes: Aspredinidae) expand the species range and reveal intraspecific morphological variation. | Chuctaya, J., Encalada, A.C., Barragán, K.S., Torres, M.L., Rojas, K.E., Ochoa‐Herrera, V. y Carvalho, T.P. | Download |
2020 | Ecuador—Modern Biotechnology in Ecuador—Development and Legal Framework. | Torres, M.L. y Santos-Ordóñez, E. | Download |
2020 | Characterizing the genetic diversity of the Andean blueberry (Vaccinium floribundum Kunth.) across the Ecuadorian Highlands. | Vega-Polo, P., Cobo, M.M., Argudo, A., Gutierrez, B., Rowntree, J. y Torres, M.L. | Download |
2019 | Molecular characterization of Ecuadorian quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Wild.) diversity: implications for conservation and breeding. | Salazar, J., Torres, M.L., Gutierrez, B., Torres, A. | Download |
2019 | Psidium guajava in the Galapagos Islands: population genetics and history of an invasive species. | Urquía, D., Gutiérrez, B., Pozo, G., Pozo, MJ., Espín, A., Torres, ML. | Download |
2019 | Micropropagation of Solanum quitoense var. Quitoense by apical bud, petiole and hypocotyl culture. | Gutiérrez, B., Cobo, M., Orellana, M., Vega, J., Arahana, V., Jaramillo, V. y Torres, M.L. | Download |
2018 | Regeneration of mortiño (Vaccinium floribundum Kunth) plants through axillary bud culture. | Cobo, M., Gutiérrez B., Torres ML. | Download |
2018 | A preliminary assessment of the genetic diversity and population structure of guava, Psidium guajava, in San Cristobal. | Torres ML and Gutiérrez B. | Download |
2018 | Understanding Invasive Species in the Galapagos Islands: From the Molecular to the Landscape | Torres ML and Mena C. (editors). | Download |
2018 | Differential expression of genes in response to salinity stress in tree tomato (Solanum betaceum). | Jaramillo, V., Vintimilla, C., Torres, A., Arahana, V., Torres, ML. | Download |
2018 | Mitocondrial DNA reveals low genetic diversity in Ecuatorian Andean bears. | Cueva, D.F., Gutiérrez, B., Bruque, G., Molina, S., Torres, ML. | Download |
2018 | Complete plastome sequences of two Psidium species from the Galápagos Islands | Reatini, B., Torres, ML., Valdebenito, H. and Vision, T. | Download |
2016 | Saponin determination, expression analysis and functional characterization of saponin biosynthetic genes in Chenopodium quinoa leaves. | Fiallos-Jurado, J., Pollier, J., Moses, T., Arendt, P., Barriga-Medina, N., Morillo, E., Arahana, V., Torres, ML., Goossens, A., and Leon-Reyes, A. | Download |
2016 | Preliminary analysis of the genetic diversity and population structure of mortiño (Vaccinium floribundum Kunth). | Cobo, M., Gutiérrez, B. Torres, A., Torres, ML. | Download |
2015 | Estandarización de un protocolo de regeneración de cebolla chalote (Allium cepa var. aggregatum) a partir de meristemas apicales. | Vega, J., Arahana, V., Torres, ML. | Download |
2015 | Identificación de alelos S asociados con autoincompatibilidaden individuos de capulí (Prunus serotina subsp. Capulí) mediante la amplificación del Intrón I del gen de la S-RNAsa. | Gordillo, M., Tobar, J., Arahana, V., y Torres, ML. | Download |
2015 | Genetic diversity and distribution patterns of Ecuadorian capulí. | Guadalupe, J., Gutiérrez, B., Intriago-Baldeón, D., Arahana, V., Tobar, J., Torres, A. Torres, ML. | Download |