DRYvER PROJECT – Securing biodiversity, functional integrity and ecosystem
services in DRYing rivER networks

START – END DATE: September 2020 – February 2025

STATUS: In progress

INSTITUTION: Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. Andrea C. Encalada (USFQ Researcher) y Dr. Thibault Datry (Director INREA and IRSTEA professor, Universidad Lyon, Francia).

LOCATION: Cube River Basin (Esmeraldas)


FUNDING: Horizon 2020 (H2020) EU funding programme

River networks are among the most threatened hot spots of biodiversity. In rivernetworks, aquatic communities, ecosystem functions and services are organised through local environmental constraints and regional fluxes of organisms and resources. These fluxes are threatened by climate change and increased human water use, which cause rivers and streams to dry up worldwide, including in Europe. Over 50% of the global river network include drying channels and this share is dramatically increasing worldwide. Because shifts from permanent to intermittent flow regimes represent major tipping points for rivers, including massive fish deaths and impaired water quality, we must urgently understand ecosystem processes and socio-ecological consequences of drying. A fundamental breakthrough in our understanding of and approach to river networks is needed to better manage them in a climate change context.

Although drying river networks (DRNs) are expanding in time and space, they have received little attention from scientists and policymakers, and the public is seemingly unaware of the importance of DRNs in supporting human well-being. This lack of knowledge prevents us from predicting how climate change will alter riverine drying patterns and affect their biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services and the consequences of such alterations for both nature and humans. Currently, there is no effective integrated biodiversity conservation strategy or ecosystem management of DRNs facing climate change. In South America, DRNs harbour 30% of Earth freshwaters and several of the world’s major biodiversity hotspots.

DRYvER is a project funded by the European Union HORIZON 2020 (H2020) call and has the participation of 22 European institutions and 3 Latin American institutions. The Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ) is the Ecuadorian partner in this consortium. DRYvER main objective is to investigate how biodiversity, ecosystem functions, ecosystem services and their values in DRNs are directly and indirectly altered by climate change through empirical and modelling work at relevant spatial and temporal scales. Furthermore, DRYvER will provide knowledge-based strategies and tools for cost-effective adaptive management of DRNs in the EU and worldwide.


Participant No.Organization NameCountryAbbreviations
1(Coordinator)Institut national de Recherche en Sciences et Technologies pour l'Environnement et l'AgricultureFranciaIRSTEA
2Friedrich-Schiller-Universität JenaAlemaniaFSU
3Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am MainAlemaniaGU
4Forschungsverbund Berlin EVAlemaniaIGB
5Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen - KNAWHolandaNIOO
6Universidad de CantabriaEspañaUC-IHC
7Fundacio Institut Catala de Recerca de l'AiguaEspañaICRA
8Universitat de BarcelonaEspañaUB
9Suomen YmpäristökeskusFinlandiaSYKE
10Pécsi Tudományegyetem - University of PecsHungríaUP
11Masarykova UniverzitaRepública ChecaMU
12Faculty of Science - University of ZagrebCroaciaUZ
13Université Grenoble AlpesFranciaUGA
14University of LeedsReino UnidoUoL
15Eddyn ConsultantsFranciaEDDYN
16Zavod za Ihtiološke in Ekološke Raziskave RevivoSloveniaREVIVO
17Z5 Plus Design Ltd.HungríaZ5P
18Fresh-Thoughts Consulting GMBHAustriaFT
19Universidade Federal do CearáBrasilUFC
20Universidad Mayor Real Y Pontificia De San Francisco Xavier De ChuquisacaBoliviaUSFX
21Universidad San Francisco De QuitoEcuadorUSFQ
22Regents of the University of OklahomaUSAOU
23Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences ChinaNIGLAS
24Agència Catalana de l'AiguaEspañaACA
25Dél-Dunántúli Vízügyi Igazgatóság DDVIZIGHungríaDDVIZIG
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