Scholarships are available only for Ecuadorian citizens and residents. Applicants must indicate the scholarship of interest (maximum two) in the Application Form (see the Requirements to Apply section) and, if applicable, upload the additional requirements requested for each scholarship.

Scholarships are not additive, and the decision on their allocation will be made by the Admissions Committee once the applicants have been accepted into the program.

Scholarships available for the 2023 cohort are:

4 scholarships of 50% of the tuition of the Master´s Program
  • Two scholarships from the USFQ Dean of Research to applicants who demonstrate excellent academic training (assessed through their application) and research experience (demonstrated through publications).
  • Two scholarships from the Master´s Program to applicants who demonstrate excellent academic training (assessed through their application) and research experience (demonstrated through publications). To maintain this scholarship, the student must obtain a Grade Point Average (GPA) equal to or greater than 3.5/4.00 during their training process.
2 scholarships of $3.000 discount of the tuition of the Master´s Program 
  • One scholarship from the Galapagos Science Center (GSC USFQ-UNC) Chapell Hill to applicants who demonstrate excellent academic training (assessed through their application) and show interest in working on projects in the Galapagos, under the supervision of researchers associated with this center.

To apply, it is preferable that one of the letters of recommendation submitted by the applicant be from a researcher from the GSC USFQ-UNC and that he/she shows interest in advising his/her final thesis project. In addition, in the Application Form (see Requirements section), the applicant must upload a summary of up to 250 words of the project to be developed.

The list of USFQ researchers associated with the GSC is available at this link.

  • One scholarship from the USFQ Geography Institute (USFQ-GI) to an applicant who demonstrates excellent academic training (assessed through his/her application) and show interest in working on projects associated USFQ Geography Institute.

To apply, the applicant must write a paragraph of up to 250 words describing his/her interest in joining and contributing to a specific USFQ-GI project; or instead, presenting a project idea aligned with the interests of the institute.

2 scholarships of 100% of the tuition of the Master´s Program plus monthly stipend.
  • One scholarship from the Center for Global Mountain Biodiversity to an applicant who demonstrates excellent academic training (assessed through his/her application), who demonstrate a vast experience in ornithological research and interest in participating in the project «Ecology and biogeography of birds of the Polylepis forests». In addition, the Center for Global Mountain Biodiversity will award the winning applicant a monthly stipend of $500 from August 2023 to May 2025.
  • Dr. Gonzalo Rivas from USFQ, in collaboration with Dr. Michael Esbach from Princeton University, have launched a new scholarship call for a student whose thesis will focus on «understanding how different land use (hunting, agriculture, conservation) affects the community of palms and their dispersers, in indigenous territories north of the Amazonian region».

Within the objectives of the project, the master’s degree student is expected to carry out the following activities:

        • Collection of vegetation data to understand changes in palm communities in the project intervention areas.
        • Collection of aerial images with drones to map palms in the sampling sites.
        • Management of databases from camera traps to analyze the communities of palm dispersers in these areas.
        • Develop a research topic together with the PIs of the project that uses the information collected and is part of the results of the project.
        • Others related to project management.

The applicant who wins the scholarship will also receive a monthly stipend of $400 from August 2023 to May 2025.


The total cost of the program can be paid in four installments that correspond to the number of ordinary academic periods of the program. Each installment can be paid in cash, check, student loan or credit card.

Credit or debit card: you can make your payment through our Online Payment System, accessing this link.

We accept all national and international credit cards.

You can defer your payments with cards issued by: Diners, Discover, Visa Titanium, Banco Guayaquil, Banco Pichincha, Banco Bolivariano, Produbanco, and Banco del Austro.

Payments for years: up to 12 months without interest.

Payments for the entire race: the same duration of the race without interest.

Deferred payments of up to 36 months with interest are enabled for all options if a longer term is required.

Transfer, deposit: you can make your deposit or transfer with the following information and load the receipt in the Online Payment System at this link.

Owner: Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ
RUC: 1791836154001
Banco Pichincha: Cuenta Corriente No. 3407330004
Banco Bolivariano: Cuenta Corriente No. 5075003350

Methods of payment: Oscar Castañeda, (+593) 2 297-1700 ext. 1816

Direct financing plan: