Ricardo Jaramillo
Doctoral Student in Forest Science, Michigan Technological University (MTU), Houghton, USA
Office: Michigan Technological University (MTU), Houghton, USA
Phone: +1 734-764-1817

My researching interests are mainly focused on the ecology of mountain ecosystems, andean plant physiology and conservation.
Ecology and restoration of paramo peatlands.
Year | Title | Author | Document |
2023 | Using 3D models to quantify aboveground biomass in the cushion-forming species Plantago rigida in an Andean páramo peatland | Jaramillo, R., Marmol-Guijarro, A., Doskocil, L.G., Chimbolema, S. y Suárez, E. | Download |
2023 | Thermal tolerance of tropical and temperate alpine plants suggests that ‘mountain passes are not higher in the tropics’. | Petr, S., Jaramillo, R., Wojtasiak, S., Meneses, R., Muriel, P., & Klimeš A. | Download |
2023 | On the Use of “Alpine” for High-Elevation Tropical Environments | Suárez, E., Encalada, A.C., Chimbolema, S., Jaramillo, R., Hofstede, R., and Riveros-Iregui, D. | Download |
2022 | Turberas de páramo en el Ecuador: Notas sobre la ecología, conservación, y restauración de un ecosistema estratégico | Suárez, E., Chimbolema, S. & Jaramillo, R. | Download |
2022 | Challenges and opportunities for restoration of high-elevation Andean peatlands in Ecuador | Suarez, E., Chimbolema, S., Jaramillo, R., Zurita‐Arthos, L., Arellano, P., Chimner, R. A., Stanovick, JS & Lilleskov, E. | Download |
2022 | Are Temperate Alpine Plants With Distinct Phenology More Vulnerable to Extraordinary Climate Events Than Their Continuously Flowering Relatives in Tropical Mountains? | Zdenka, K., Kindlmann, P., Shelly, JS., Sklenárˇ, P., Sivila S., Bílá K & Jaramillo, R. | Download |
2021 | Microclimatic warming leads to a decrease in species and growth form diversity: insights from a tropical alpine grassland | Duchicela, S. A., Cuesta, F., Tovar, C., Muriel, P., Jaramillo, R., Salazar, E., & Pinto, E. | Download |
2021 | Resurvey of vascular plants and soil arthropods on the summit of Mount Corazón (Andes of Ecuador) after 140 years | Moret, P., Muriel, P., Jaramillo, R., Bernardi, A., Romoleroux, K., Barragán, A., Pruna, W., & Petr S. | Download |
2021 | Multi-taxa colonisation along the foreland of a vanishing equatorial glacier | Rosero, P., Crespo-Pérez, V., Espinosa, R., Andino, P., Barragán, A., Moret, P., Gobbi, M., Ficetola, G.F., Jaramillo, R., Muriel, P., Anthelme, F., Jacobsen, D., Dangles, O., Condom, T., Gielly, L., Poulenard, J., Rabatel, A., Basantes, R., Cáceres-Correa, B. & Cauvy-Fraunié, S. | Download |
2020 | Plant dispersal strategies of high tropical alpine communities across the Andes | Tovar, C., Melcher, I., Kusumoto, B., Cuesta, F., Cleef, A., Meneses, R.I., Halloy, S., Llambi, L.D., Beck, S., Muriel, P., Jaramillo, R., Jacome, J. & Carilla, J. | Download |
2019 | Humboldt’s Tableau Physique revisited | Moret, P., Muriel, P., Jaramillo, R., & Dangles, O. | Download |
2019 | New land in the Neotropics: a review of biotic community, ecosystem, and landscape transformations in the face of climate and glacier change | Cuesta, F., Llambí, L. D., Huggel, C., Drenkhan, F., Gosling, W. D., Muriel, P., Jaramillo, R. & Tovar, C | Download |
2017 | Latitudinal and altitudinal patterns of plant community diversity on mountain summits across the tropical Andes | Cuesta, F., Muriel, P., Llambí, L., Aguirre, N., Beck, S., Carrilla, J., Cuello, S., Grau, A., Halloy, S., Irazabal, J., Jácome, J., Jaramillo, R., Meneses, R.I., Samaniego, N., SuárezXDuque, D., Thomson, N., Tupayachi, A., Viñas, P. & Yager, K | Download |
2014 | Monitoreo de Biodiversidad, productividad y experimentación en ecosistemas herbáceos andinos. Protocolo 4 – Versión 1. | Baez, S., Cuesta, F., Muriel, P., Carrilla, J., Jaramillo, R., Irazabal, J., Cuello, S., & A. Grau. | Download |